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Vacation Bible School


One Incredible Week!

​​​Save the Date! 

June 23-27, 2025

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a week full of children, teens, and adults singing, playing, laughing, and learning all about Jesus.


Our theme this year is The Good Shepherd. Children will be learning several Psalms (with an emphasis on Psalm 23). We’ll spend the week learning about King David’s life as a shepherd and a king, examining the ways in which he looked forward to the true shepherd-king, Jesus.


We have two unique programs. Young Kids VBS for PreK children who attend with a parent or caregiver. Big Kids VBS for kids finishing kindergarten through fifth grade. 


Questions? Contact Melissa Davis


Young Kids VBS - Mill Run Campus

For children 18 Months–PreK with a caregiver
Morning Session  |  9:30–
11:00 am

(Nursery Available for 3–18-month-olds) 



Big Kids VBS - Mill Run Campus

Open to children finishing
Kindergarten–Grade 5 (morning session)

plus ages 4-5 (afternoon session)

Morning Session  |  9:00 am–12:00 pm

Afternoon Session  |  1:00–4:00 pm


Registration opens March 2.



What is it like?

Get a glimpse of what God was up to at last year's VBS. It was an incredible week seeing how kids and families learned and grew in faith.

Volunteer for Vacation Bible School

It takes hundreds of adult and teen volunteers to make this ministry happen. We hear over and over what a joy it is to be part of VBS. There are many types of roles to fill from teachers to art helpers to the prayer team (just to name a few).


Find the list of needs and a description of roles here.

Register to Volunteer

Use the links below to sign up. Questions? Contact Melissa Davis.

Kids Ministry

Check out additional ministry and pathways to engage with your kids at UALC. 

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