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Vacation Bible School

June 24-28 at the Mill Run Campus


VBS is a week full of children, teens, and adults singing, playing, laughing, and learning all about Jesus.


Our theme this year was God’s Treasure. We transformed the Mill Run Campus to look like a grand theatre and spent the week exploring five of Jesus’ parables with the help of a talented and curious theatre troupe. In these stories that Jesus told, the theme of “things treasured” emerged.


There is a treasure that God holds dear, and it may not be what you first think. God’s treasure is his people, and we are among this unlikely bunch. It is a treasure so dear that Jesus, God's son, gave up his seat in the heavenly places to dwell among us and rescue us.

Thank you!

We had an incredible week learning from Jesus' parables all the while having a ton of fun. Check out the video to get a glimpse of what God was up to. 


Young Kids VBS

For children 18 Months–PreK with a caregiver
(This year at our Mill Run Campus)

Morning Session  |  9:30–11:00 am

(Nursery Available for 3–18-month-olds) 



Big Kids Vacation Bible School

Open to children finishing
Kindergarten–Grade 5
at our Mill Run Campus 

Morning Session  |  9:00 am–12:00 pm

Afternoon Session  |  1:00–4:00 pm


We hope to see you next summer!



VBS Service Project

Linden Life Learning & Literacy

L4 is an elementary learning and literacy program in the Linden neighborhood. They focus on excellence in literacy, personal and spiritual growth, while partnering with families and staff, and connecting to the church community.

Needs & Donations:

  • Gift Cards for Families & Staff

  • Children's Clothing

  • Snacks & Juice Boxes

  • Arts & Crafts Materials

  • Household Products

Vacation Bible School Music

You can now purchase VBS music from the UALC Online Store where you can download it to your computer, and import the music files into your favorite music app. Sync it to your phone so you can listen to it, learn it, and play it in the car all week long. Cost is $6 online and a limited number of CDs will be available for $10 at the VBS Store.

VBS Music Strip Art.png

Kids Ministry

Check out additional ministry and pathways to engage with your kids at UALC. 

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