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Submit a prayer request and join in prayer for others.


Weekly UALC Prayer Requests

We corporately lift up prayer requests each week. Join us as we come before our Father with petitions and praises. We welcome anyone to join our group who prays regularly for the needs of the church.

Weekly UALC Prayer Requests

Scheduled Surgery:

Gail Kurz

Recovering in a Care Facility:

Suzanne Wade-Mercer

Recovering at Home: 

Fran Eppley, Roger Masten, Joy Peterson

A portion of our members with ongoing health needs:

Dottie and George Haggard, Tom Jackson, Mark Kollath, Carolyn McCollum, Mark Nandor, Jackie Rae, Luan Zangmeister


We offer Christian sympathy to Scott Emch at the death of his father; to all families who have lost loved ones


We rejoice with Dan and Sarah Kidd, as their son, Solomon Atticus, was baptized and welcomed into the Lord’s family

Public Prayer Requests

Online Prayer Requests

July 15, 2024

My fiancé’s name is Girard B. He had a stroke in April. He was paralyzed on his right side and lost his speech. He is having a slow recovery, but still needs 24 hour help. I would appreciate all the prayers he can get! Through therapy, he continues to improve, and he says he feels better every day. I continue to be hopeful!

July 11, 2024

Prayers for my friend, Nora. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer that has spread to her back & brain. Radiation begins on Monday.

July 10, 2024

Please pray for Ann H. for correct diagnosis and healing to resolve her ongoing health concerns.

July 9, 2024

Carolyn D. - health

July 7, 2024

Lord, please help me grow my business and stay focused on you . Also help my husband in looking for a new career

July 1, 2024

Prayers for the full rest of Jim and Colleen’s relationship

July 1, 2024

Prayers for the Charlson family at the loss of Dave's father.

June 25, 2024

Prayers for Suzanne W. in Wexner Medical Center.

June 25, 2024

Please prayer for Leona’s surgery to go well today.

June 25, 2024

Please pray for a husband to be the man God created him to be, and for protection for his family. Pray God will show him the way to help.

June 23, 2024

I recently went through A divorce from a very violent marriage. In addition, I got laid off 3 weeks ago and have not had much luck finding a job. Please pray that God will provide for me financially and will guide me to the right job very soon. Please also pray that God will give me strength to get through what feels like an incredibly difficult time.

June 23, 2024

Skyler W.'s mother and family as she undergoes radiation treatment the next five weeks.

June 20, 2024

2 Prayer issues
1-Should I divorce my wife if she refuses to reconcile or go through counseling?

2-Should I work all day Sunday to make extra money needed to pay creditors and go to online church/Saturday night church Dublin?
Thank you

June 13, 2024

Successful surgery and recovery for Roger M.

June 9, 2024

I need help with dealing with and handling the stress of my job. I feel like I can’t handle it and it is overwhelming my mental health and making me depressed.

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