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Daily Worship

September 23 | Genesis 12:10-20

Pastor Dave Mann






Heroes of the Bible

by Pr. Dave Mann


Who are the great heroes of the Bible? There must be many. Right? One might name Peter, the lead disciple. Oh, but he denied Jesus three times. Well, what about James and John? But they selfishly vied to have the places of honor in Jesus’ kingdom, seated at his right and left hand. Let’s try King David, a man after God’s own heart. However, he was an adulterer and ordered the death of the woman’s husband. What about Moses? Oh, but he killed a man. Well, then there is Abraham, the man chosen by God to be the father of the great nation through whom the entire world would be blessed. (See Genesis 12:1-3). Surely, he could be considered a hero. Hmm.


Nevertheless, not long after the Lord appeared to him, Abram and his wife, Sarai, went to Egypt because of a famine. When they were there, Abram feared for his own life. He thought because his wife was so beautiful, other men would kill him. So, he got Sarai to go along with his plan to save his own skin – that they should tell everyone that Sarai was his sister, not his wife! Because of that, Pharoah briefly took Sarai as his wife. In addition, Abram was enriched by Pharoah with sheep and cattle, male and female donkeys, male and female servants, and camels. Is this how a hero behaves? Hardly!


So, who is the hero in the Bible?  The Lord Jesus Christ is THE hero in the Bible.  In addition, the message of the Bible is that God takes all kinds of misfits, all kinds of selfish people, all kinds of sinners, and he blesses them and uses them through his grace.


Take a look at any of the main characters of the Bible whose lives are described in some detail. Chances are you will find an embarrassing story or two. How would you like your life to be chronicled in the number 1 bestseller of all time? The purpose of the Bible is not to create a spiritual Hall of Fame, but rather to give God glory and to bring people into relationship with him.


Aren’t you glad? Perhaps the Lord can even use you and me. If he used Abram, who pawned off his wife as his sister, maybe my sins can be forgiven also. Maybe what I have done will not disqualify me from receiving the Lord’s blessings.


Lord God, thank you for choosing the misfits of history to be in your family. That gives me confidence that you love me, warts and all. I bring myself, my failures, and my sins and lay them before you. I count on your forgiveness and grace to make me a part of your family, in Jesus’ name, Amen.



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