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Daily Worship

Judy Webb

March 29 | Matthew 20:1-16





Fairness vs Generosity

by Judy Webb

The reading today begins where yesterday’s (Matthew 19:30) ended, with the confusing reference to the first will be last and the last will be first. I must admit, the lesson in the text today is one that makes me wince with guilt to I recognize this could so easily be me, be my attitude. Greed pops up in many ways, and this section of scripture shouts to me of greed and selfishness.

We should be rejoicing that God chooses to lavish his good gifts on us. We say that we know we are unworthy, but do we truly believe this? If we did it wouldn’t matter at all who got what and when. We would be celebrating that we are counted as saved by the Blood of Jesus through faith. If we come to know and love Jesus at the age of 6 or 60 we are welcome into the Kingdom of God. It isn’t about what we deserve, it never has been. It is all about love and always will be.

Life as we view it, isn’t fair, but God is. Read Ephesians 6:9b: “he who is their heaven, and that there is no partiality with him.” (ESV)

This text brought another thought to mind. Consider those who were standing idle in the marketplace until they were offered work. Had they been there earlier, they could have gone to work earlier. But stop and think, parallel this scene with a death bed conversion. Perhaps until this moment in time the dying patient was never offered salvation or told the story of Jesus and the Good News. Who are we to say he isn’t worthy?

Ask yourself, what does this parable teach about humility and God's generosity? Make it personal as you pray.



If we all got what we deserved we would have our place in hell next to Satan. Let us not compare ourselves with others, it might not end well. Reveal the truth of your Word for each of us as we travel with you to the CROSS.

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