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Daily Worship

February 22 | Mark 9:30-37

Judy Webb





Humbly Serve

by Judy Webb

They left that place and passed through Galilee. Jesus did not want anyone to know where they were, because he was teaching his disciples. He said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise.” (Mark 9:30-31)

Jesus overheard the disciples who were with him, arguing. He had much more to teach these special men before they could survive the future without Him. Quietly they left their current surroundings and headed south through Galilee, careful not draw attention to themselves, as they needed this time alone to learn all they could from Jesus.

An urgent lesson Jesus would teach was, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be very last and servant of all.” (v 35) He taught this kind of humility and used a little child to emphasize the contrast in status. Children were not of value during that time in history. But when Jesus drew a child to himself he was exemplifying love and humility.

The disciples were human, with all the frailty, failing, and weaknesses we all employ. Jesus was attempting to teach his followers about humility and service. Each of us has most likely experienced lessons on these two topics. Humility can be tough to embrace. Ask anyone in their golden years who realizes they can’t do what they used to do without thinking it through or asking for help. Help is challenging to accept as well as ask for.

Now we see Jesus, embarking on his most humbling of journeys… the way to the cross, and all the humiliation that would follow. This picture depicts a stunning practice, not to seek honor, but acknowledge that lowliness is the pathway to greatness. And it all begins and ends with LOVE.


Dear Heavenly Father, as we journey through this season of Lent, give us a better understanding what it means to serve humbly without seeking recognition. To be a servant of one another is to truly experience the Love of Jesus.


1 Comment

Feb 22, 2024

Good afternoon, Judy. Thank you for today's message on humility and servanthood. These characteristics define who Jesus was and are reflected in His own words, " I am gentle and humble of heart" and " I did not come to be served but to serve." I have had the privilege of serving in our prisons and alongside the less fortunate in our inner city. I consistently find that one person who is pouring out themselves serving others with little notice or acclaim. Their service is a witness to me of how Jesus would serve and encourages me to remind myself that Jesus is the one calling us to serve with Him. I have found there is much power in humility.

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