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Daily Worship


December 31| Psalm 65





The Lord is Lord Over All

by Elaine Pierce

Psalm 65 describes God as our Creator, our Redeemer, and our Provider. Of course, he is all of those things, but at different times in our walk with him we are drawn to different aspects of his character. King David reminds us that God cannot be over-praised. I love how he thanks God for choosing his people:

Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts! (v. 4)

This psalm contains beautiful imagery of how God created the natural world (v. 5-8). He then turns to the harvest, and pay attention to the verbs that describe how God will bless us:

  • care for the land

  • enrich it abundantly

  • drench the furrows

  • soften it with showers

  • bless its crops

  • crown the year with bounty

Such love and care he bestows on his creation! Such good things he wants to give us! The last verse is worth meditating on all by itself:

The meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are mantled with grain; they shout for joy and sing. (v. 13)

I have hiked in Ohio, in Utah, in Virginia, in Pennsylvania, and in Kentucky. This image of the 'valleys mantled with grain' is reflected in God's creation in those places and all over the world, I am sure.

More than natural grandeur, however, is how God will bless us and provide for us when we turn to him. As we say goodbye to 2023 and look forward to the New Year, where do you see God at work in your life? Are you drawing near to him 'in his courts?' He has forgiven your sins (v. 3) and he wants to fill you with good things (v. 4). Take time to reflect on the past year, thank him for his care, his kindness, his goodness, and be ready to follow him to a year of abundance.


Lord, you are our Creator, our Redeemer, our Provider. All we have comes from you. Forgive us when we stray, and as we ring out the old year and welcome the new, help us to look to you from whom all blessings flow. We want to serve you in spirit and in truth. Amen.

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