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Lutheran Church of South Sudan

Lutheran Church of South Sudan

The Lutheran Church of South Sudan is currently living as refugees in several neighboring countries, with its headquarters in Gambela, Ethiopia. We support their seminary, nursing school, and women's programs. 


UALC gives away 20% of every dollar received in the offering and LCSS is one of the recipients. 

Mission Partner Update

Join Pastor Jordan Long of LCSS as he shares about the history of the war, the church, refugees, and his heart for ministry. Download the prayer guide below and pray for the needs of our mission partner.

Ways To Engage

  • Financial support by giving to UALC Mission Fund,

  • Serve on a medical & mental health training team to Gambella.

  • Sponsor a nursing or seminary student monthly.

  • General funds for the seminary, school, and church for things like water, electricity, and internet connection. 

  • Pray consistently for the peace of Sudan, healing of trauma.

  • Be a women's ministry sponsor of sewing, grinder, or coffee shop to help women have means of supporting themselves.

  • Be an online teacher/consultant for specific medical/nursing courses.


Contact: Donna Locher

Lutheran Church of South Sudan

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