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Kids' Church


Sunday Mornings

Mill Run and Lytham Road

Kids' Church is a highly-engaging environment where kids can grow as disciples of Jesus, build relationships with peers and mentors, and experience worshiping God. It's the place where pre-K through fifth graders connect with God in meaningful ways and learn from his Word. It's part of our intentional strategy to help families with young children know Jesus, and grow in their faith. 


PreK Kids' Church (for ages 4-5), runs throughout the year (9:00 am Mill Run, 11:00 am Lytham Road).


Kindergarten-Grade 5 at the Mill Run Campus at both 9:00 and 11:00 am during the school year.


Kindergarten-Grade 5 at the Lytham Road Campus at 11:00 am during the school year. 


New children are welcome any week.

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Mill Run Campus

9:00 AM

PreK (Ages 4-5)

Kindergarten - 5th Grade

11:00 AM

Kindergarten - 5th Grade

Lytham Road Campus

11:00 AM

PreK (Ages 4-5) 

Kindergarten - 5th Grade


School Year Schedule 

All of our Modern Worship Services offer Kids’ Church throughout the school year (Lytham Road 11:00 am, Mill Run 9:00 & 11:00 am). 


On Small Group Sundays, kids are invited to join the service for gathered worship. Prior to the sermon, kids are dismissed to grade specific small groups to build deeper friendships and discipleship conversations. On the third Sunday of each month, Kids are invited to our Rally Sunday—an exciting and kid-friendly parallel service that runs the entire worship hour.

Volunteer with Kids Ministry

Parents, Adults and Teens, we need you! We are looking for help with:

  • Small Group Leaders - disciple a group of about eight kids through discussion, prayer, Bible time

  • Small Group Assistant Leaders - (6th-12th grade) assist small group leader

  • Hospitality and Check-in Team - greet and welcome

  • Resource Team - prepare materials/crafts for Sundays

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The world of academics has begun, fairness and fun matter a ton, and each child wants to show they're capable. Partner with the church to engage your child with the Gospel in ways that are caught and taught. We have the kind of experiences and resources that overflow into everyday life.


Contact Melisssa Davis, Kids Ministry Director (Lytham Road), or Kelsey Bacon, Interim Kids Ministry Director (Mill Run), for questions about anything related to Kids Ministry.

Our Vision for Kids Ministries

God loves kids, so we do too. We'd love to share our desires for your children as they experience the gospel of Jesus through Kids Ministry at our church.

Watch the full vision in this video >


For more information

Contact Melissa Davis, Kids Ministry Director (Lytham Road), for questions about anything related to our kids' programming (birth through fifth grade).


For more information

Contact Star Bradley, Kids Ministry Director (Mill Run), for questions about anything related to our kids' programming (birth through fifth grade).

Elementary Contact
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