UALC Community Garden
This garden is a miracle of God that feeds our neighbors
A member of UALC asked God to light her heart on fire to help the children in Hilliard during the summer who were hungry because their free/reduced school lunch stopped.
A short time later, another church member came to this Free Summer Lunch Camp to volunteer and noticed the children not eating the vegetables served in their healthy lunch. This broke her heart so she prayed, and God took her love for gardening and children and called her to grow vegetables and give them free to the children.

The UALC Community Garden began in 2008
This is a garden led by people from multiple churches and run 100% by volunteers who give hundreds of hours to plant, weed, harvest, and distribute the vegetables. We welcome immigrants and through gardening, we build friendships and learn about each other's cultures and different ways to cook the crops we grow.

This garden is funded by donations and grants
By God’s faithfulness, in a record year, more than 24,000 pounds of organic food was grown. All food is given free to our precious neighbors in need of support because organic food, the healthiest on the planet, is the most expensive to buy.
Help in the Garden
We grow summer and fall crops to maximize our production and decrease hunger. People of all ages are welcome to volunteer, and all tools are provided. We meet regularly on Saturday mornings beginning at 9:00 am. Sometimes we even stick around for a lunch potluck.
For more information, or if you are in need of vegetables, email: