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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

Do you like to write and spend time in God's Word? Contact Judy Webb to learn more.






Things are Getting Worse

by Mary Alice McGinnis

In my life, even when I am sure God has called me to a new path, I have found that often things get worse before they get better. What was a time in your life when things got worse before they got better?

Why is that? Maybe we can get a glimpse into some reasons as we look at today’s reading.

God’s chosen people were slaves in Egypt. Moses had been called by God to rescue them from their bondage. Earlier in Exodus 5, as a first step, Moses simply asks Pharaoh to allow his people to worship their God for only three days. Why does this seeming insignificant request unleash such coldhearted oppression?

Among the pantheon of pagan gods in their culture, the Pharaoh was not just Egypt’s king, he was considered the highest of all their gods.

Who would dare to suggest that someone other than Pharaoh is worthy of worship? Meriam Webster says: “The word ‘worship’ comes from ‘worth ship’. To worship something is to prize it above everything else.”

If you were to take a magnifying glass into your life, what people or things do your find yourself prizing? Where are those things drawing you away from your relationship with God?

The things we “worship” become our idols. Our idols make slaves of us. Haven’t you seen it in your own life? No matter how we hard try to “please” our task masters, they never seem to be satisfied.

Our idols are evil tyrants. When we confront them, it will always cause disruption. They do not want to relinquish control over us. Rest assured; they will not give up easily. The bondage of evil doesn’t want to let us go. When they sense they are losing their hold on us, they try to punish us and shame us for turning our trust to the One and Only God.

But also, be assured of this - God is still at work. Even when things seem to be getting worse, God is ALWAYS at work. Even when we can't see it.

He is working to refine us.

He shows us that when we turn to other people or things without turning to him, we will always be disappointed. He creates in us a holy thirst for the rescue and redemption that ONLY he can bring about. And in the process, he will reveal who he truly is – the One who alone is the Highest of all Gods.

Jesus came to earth and evil pulled out all the stops to defeat him!

Satan tempted him in the wilderness. The religious elite hated him. The people rejected him. They made him suffer the most cruel and agonizing death of crucifixion. Yet, he never lost sight of his Father’s mission, to rescue us all from the bondage of sin forever.

Jesus knew the end of the story! He would be victorious! Because he loves us, he offers us a place in his victorious Kingdom.


We struggle, Lord. We often turn our hearts to prizing other things above you. Our idols consume us, take control of our lives and we feel helpless to escape. When we cry out to you in anguish, sometimes it seems like things only get worse. Please show us where you are working. Remind us YOU alone are One who has paid our ransom. You alone can free us from our bondage. Help us hold unswervingly to the sure hope that your love has secured for us overwhelming victory through Jesus Christ our Savior! Even when we cannot see it.

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God's Appointed Man

by Diane Ward

I know something of the cost of being uprooted as my dad’s company transferred him often. My seventh-grade school year was divided into three states: Texas, Kansas, and Tennessee. Parents innately know the needs of their children. It would have been easy to lose my way had God not parentally been a guiding force in my life.

Long ago God’s people faced brutal oppression. God appointed Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. Moses was nearly eighty years old when God sought him out and empowered him to serve in a way Moses never could have imagined. Two things are apparent of the calling of Moses: It was an ordinary “tend the sheep workday” and Moses was alone when God revealed himself declaring again his covenant with Abraham.

While wandering alone on the backside of the desert, Moses is halted by the sight of a blazing bush. God meets him with an astonishing commission: “Be my messenger to Pharaoh and lead my people to freedom.” God asks that Moses lay down his staff, a significant tool of his trade that represented his identity and influence. While having heard God say, “take off your sandals you are standing on holy ground,” Moses contends with God, raising one objection after another. God knew Moses was the one to lead the Israelites out of bondage.

God freed the Israelites in his way and in his timing, teaching them about his character to prepare them for something greater. “I will bring back my people Israel; they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink wine from them; they shall also make gardens and eat fruit from them. No longer will they be pulled up from the land I have given them says the Lord your God." (Amos 9:14-15)

Moses died at the age of one hundred and twenty. “God’s man in the center of God’s will is immortal until God is finished with him.” (David Jeremiah)


Jesus, this story of Moses and Aaron and the oppressed people is moving and captivating. How when your people follow your words life is fruitful but still with trouble at times. Your way is best and any challenges we encounter make us stronger. Thank You.

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Obey or Die

by Judy Webb

“At a lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses and was about to kill him.” (Exodus 4:24)

Woah! Where did that come from? After reading it, I just wanted to ignore the words and find a different passage to explore, but I couldn’t. This was just way too enticing. Many commentaries agree that this verse is puzzling and difficult to understand. God just gave a huge mission to Moses, one that must be his true calling and the reason he did not perish as an infant, and now God was going to kill him?

Trying not to read anything into this verse that isn’t true, but researching this section of Exodus, we realize the enormity of Moses’ calling, and the end results if Moses wasn’t totally obedient. His calling was about more than freeing the Israelites from slavery and severe bondage. It was mostly about fulfilling God’s promise to Abraham. Promises to provide for and protect His people.

No wonder Moses was hedging, trying to beg out of this assignment claiming he wasn’t right for the job; alleging his inability to speak and communicate to the people. But God had already provided for this; He called Aaron, Moses’ brother, to meet up with him and do the talking for him. But let’s get back to verse 24 for a bit. It seems that Moses never had his son circumcised, and it is this disobedience that found Moses in trouble. This could jeopardize the entire mission. The only way this man, called by God to rescue the people, could succeed, was by total obedience to God’s commands.

Now, with that detail out of the way, Moses and Aaron traveled back to Egypt and gathered the elders of Israel’s people and explained what God planned to do for them. “When they heard that the Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshiped.” (Exodus 4:31)


Dear Jesus,

Thank you for caring for every detail of our lives. Thank you for loving us even when we are unlovable. Continue to teach us obedience and how Your love and grace demand no less. Amen.

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