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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

Do you like to write and spend time in God's Word? Contact Judy Webb to learn more.







by Mary Alice McGinnis

Do you like surprises? Or are you a person that prefers the predictable?

When I was a child, I snooped around in my parent’s bedroom closet to find my Christmas presents.

One year, several weeks before Christmas, I found my unwrapped present and I was so excited to see the beautiful gift they had picked out just for me.

But when Christmas day arrived and we opened our presents, I was disappointed. Knowing the surprise spoiled all the anticipation and excitement.

Now in my adult years, my JOY comes more from GIVING surprises than receiving them. I think God is the same. Because nothing is a surprise to God.

Today’s reading begins, “They found things just as Jesus had told them.”

Jesus already knew what was ahead for Him. He knew every detail of where they would celebrate the Passover. He knew that Judas would betray Him. He knew that this rag tag bunch would fight among themselves to prove their own self-worth. All the while, He knew all the disciples would flee and desert Him. He knew ALL He was about to suffer.

During this Passover meal, Jesus said some things that caught the disciples totally by surprise.

  • As He broke the bread, He said: “This is My body GIVEN FOR YOU.”

  • As He lifted the cup of wine, He said: “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is poured out FOR YOU.”

What surprising words these must have been! These words of Jesus would become reality the very next day on Good Friday. His body was broken and given for YOU and me. His blood was poured out FOR YOU and me. He gave these extraordinary gifts for the likes of His rag tag disciples, and for you and me. We, who have betrayed Him. We, who are too caught up with our own self-seeking agendas. We, who go about our superficial lives, totally unaware of the beautiful, surprising love that Jesus lavishes upon us.

Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He had nothing to prove. All power and authority was at His fingertips. He was given the Kingdom by His Father. Yet instead of using all His power and authority to exalt Himself, He laid it down and took up being a servant. He bled and died so He could bestow on us the most surprising, extraordinary gift – a life with Him in His Kingdom for all eternity.


Lord Jesus, thank You that nothing is a surprise to You. When we are tempted to try to figure things out, help us to rest in Your all-powerful and amazing love for us. When we find ourselves striving to prop up our puny self-esteem, lead us to look upon the sacrifice You made for us. You gave Your body and blood for us. You held nothing back. Thank you for the surprising gift of life with You in Your Kingdom, beginning now and for eternity.

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We Are Being Watched

by Judy Webb

One Sabbath, when Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, he was being carefully watched. (Luke 14:1)

I must admit, if I could invite Jesus to a meal at my house, I would watch Him carefully too. But for a different reason. I would want to study everything He did, imitate his actions, and learn from His Presence. The Pharisees knew Jesus was different, special even, and that intimidated them. Did they fear they would lose their place in society? Did they fear Jesus would replace them as the teacher, jeopardizing the legalist life they enforced?

What about us? Are we ever afraid that sticking close to Jesus will require that we give up our ways? There was a time I fought change as well. I was comfortable…until I wasn’t, then God stepped in and changed everything. Have you had a moment like this? Has God challenged you to change and embrace a new life, new behaviors? How’d that go for you? Did you fight it, or did you realize a new way of living was a good thing? If you are like me, it didn’t happen overnight, but gradually.

My Bible is now my friend. Just this morning Psalm 119:105 spoke to my heart. “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (NLT) As I studied this verse it became clear that without God’s Word to feed my soul and show me the way, this dark world would overpower me. Darkness is terrifying, were it not for His word guiding me each step of the way.

The Pharisees carefully watched Jesus, and we too, are under scrutiny. The evil one wants to discredit us in the eyes of the world. But take heart, Jesus has overcome the world.


Lord, show me what you want me to see, teach me what you want me to learn, and lead me step-by-step in the path of your perfect will. Amen.

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A Cause for Celebration

by Judy Webb

“Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:9)

“This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of, the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10b)

Has the truth of God’s Word ever hit you on an emotional level? Have you ever been reading from your Bible while searching for truth or answers to a question of great importance to you, and suddenly…there it is? It seems Nehemiah and the people surrounding him were having a special moment. Many had not heard God’s word before, and as Nehemiah read from the Holy Scriptures, the truth moved them to praise and worship as never before.

These Words convicted the people of their sin and revealed the good work God was doing, so they were joyful and filled with thankfulness. They cried out in celebration. This was a time of repentance and joy. Not having access to our Bibles for any length of time; missing out on the guidance and direction gleaned everyday while reading it, would make it impossible to move forward. I believe we would experience such a huge loss. Just the act of grabbing my Bible when my world seems to be falling apart is a comfort I cannot explain. Feeling God’s Presence through His Word is an amazing thing.

And to think, this is available to us all the time. No matter what experience we are in the midst of, God’s Word is there, waiting for us to soak it up. It seems that most times when I search for direction and guidance, I find it on the pages of my Bible. When I am stuck trying to discern which way to turn, I received direction from the Word of God. My heart is saddened to think of all the time wasted trying to move forward on my own power, my own wisdom. What a

ridiculous concept. Come Holy Spirit! This is my prayer every day.

The joy of the Lord is my strength.


Dear Jesus,

Do not allow me to step out on my own power. Teach me to turn to the truth found in my Bible. Your Word is a lamp unto my feet. Remind me to be thankful always for Your Word each day. Amen.

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