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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

Do you like to write and spend time in God's Word? Contact Judy Webb to learn more.





Be Humble

by Kim Starr

Do you remember your dreams? I rarely do, and if I do, they are often strange and incomprehensible to me. That is the way King Nebuchadnezzar's dream was. To understand the passage for today, we need to look at the whole chapter of Daniel 4. Nebuchadnezzar has had a second dream that alarmed him. He called all the wise men of Babylon, the magicians, the enchanters, the astrologers, and the Chaldeans to him to interpret the dream; however, none of them could. At last, Daniel came to him and interpreted the dream. The verses we read today are the dream being fulfilled.

King Nebuchadnezzar had built a tremendous kingdom, and he was full of himself and his glory. But as his dream was being fulfilled, King Nebuchadnezzar was driven from his kingdom and lived like an animal. At some point, Nebuchadnezzar lifted his eyes to heaven and God restored his reason, majesty, and splendor. When that happened, Nebuchadnezzar blessed, praised, and honored God. God then re-establishes Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom and gave him even more greatness. What was Nebuchadnezzar's response? He praised, extolled, and honored God and proclaimed, "for all his works are right and his ways are just; and those who walk in pride he is able to humble." (verse 37)

Like Nebuchadnezzar, we can learn that God is the Ruler of all, he is in control, and he can give power and supremacy to anyone. God humbled Nebuchadnezzar, and he can humble us. Nebuchadnezzar realized he was walking in pride. He was taking credit for all that he had done to make Babylon and himself great. He learned quickly that God could take all of that away from him, and so can we. In Matthew 23:12, Jesus tells us that, "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."

When the greatness of God is impressed upon us, like it was to Nebuchadnezzar, how should we respond? Thank God for everything and realize he is in control. We are to be humble and not take credit for anything. Instead, we are to do God's will, honor him with our lives, and seek his approval in all things. And, above all, we are to love him with all of our heart, soul and mind.


Oh Lord, we are so thankful for the lessons you teach us. Help us be mindful that we owe everything to you. We, on our own, have done nothing. Help us be humble and give you the thanks, praise, and glory. Without you, we are nothing. Amen.

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Who Am I?

by Judy Webb

Who Am I?

Does anyone else feel intimidated when attempting to praise and worship God daily? I know he is worthy of our praise minute by minute even, no question. But why do I squirm when attempting to praise God with enthusiasm and vigor? Is there a right way or wrong way.

“Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD, you, his servants; praise the name of the LORD. Let the name of the LORD be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.” (Psalm 113:1-3 ESV)

We can agree that God is worthy, but are we worthy? Is our thanksgiving and worship worthy of our God? This command to “Praise the LORD,” (Psalm 113:1,9) can be daunting. How does one praise the Almighty? Is it enough to simply read from scriptures like Psalm 113? Or do I need to sing a praise and worship song, like on Sunday morning in church? Or maybe if I pray the scriptures it makes more of an impression.

“For as he thinks in his heart, so he is.” (Proverbs 23:7)

I am humbled as I set my heart on praising Him for all he has done for me. I must ask myself, “Who Am I?” How can my modest words reach the ears of Our Lord and Savior and remain worthy? Will my humble phrases please my God? I realize God knows my heart and my intentions. So, If they are honest and pure, they will please Him.

Tell someone that God is good, then back it up by sharing your experience of His goodness. Tell your story and let it Praise God.


Dear Jesus,

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14) As I praise you in the morning and the evening, hear my humble words and receive them from the bottom of my heart. Amen.

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To All Nations

by David Thompson

Today's passage is the Lord speaking to and through Isaiah, a major prophet of the Old Testament. He is speaking to the remnants of many nations and is telling them what the Lord has said. It was a prophecy for the future, but we can see that it is a prophesy to us now.

Did you ever notice that parents were/are a form of prophet to their children? They have lived their lives and learned many lessons that they wish to bestow on their offspring.

My mother was one to tell me about certain friends that I was as thick as thieves with. She predicted that they were not a good influence on me and that they would lead me into trouble. I, like many in the bible when confronted about issues, many times did nothing about the prophets' warnings. As it turned out in my case, doing wrong things for a 15-year-old seemed to come naturally for me. My friends and I got into all kinds of mischief, and I paid dearly for it, including a night in jail.

Looking back, I wish I had listened to my mother, but then I wouldn't have ended up in a private Christian school for my senior year in high school. At that school I became a Christian, evaluated all my life's choices, and met a girl who is now my wife. I didn't want to go there, but my mom insisted. Once again, her prophecy that being away from my caustic environment would help me, proved true.

Likewise, Isaiah told the remnant of nations to come together. He told them that worshipping idols of wood and praying to gods could not save them. He told them to believe in the Lord and be saved. He told them in verse 23 that ultimately "...Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear." And through Him there was "deliverance and strength." Perhaps this prophecy was only for that time, but it could be for us now and certainly for the "end times." In the closing verses of this passage, the Lord tells Isaiah that all are to turn to the Lord, and this is for everyone to the very ends of the earth. He warns that there will come a time of being put to shame for all who refuse to listen.

Where are we in our life's walk? Are we counting on Christ for our deliverance, for our salvation and for our daily spiritual food? If not, will we listen to learned others or to those that proclaim the Word of the Lord? And, doing so, will we come to those end days and hear the words of Matthew 25:23, "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant?" What a day of rejoicing that will be!


Lord, help us be that good and faithful servant. Make us bold to declare your Word and to witness to others when the opportunity arises this Advent season. We are thankful that many times throughout the bible you have included "all nations" in your ultimate promise. Give us ears to hear our parents' counsel and to heed the words of the prophets of old. In Christ's name, Amen!

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