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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

Do you like to write and spend time in God's Word? Contact Judy Webb to learn more.






Baby Jesus Presented at the Temple

 by Diane Ward

Watching young parents bring their children to be baptized, I am reminded of the day my baby son was baptized. To know your child has been anointed and blessed by witnesses is a sacred time! 


It is Simeon I am thinking of now - his long life of patience, waiting and praying to see the Messiah before he dies. He and Anna are about to see a miracle of grace! They were living in a war-torn world, turned upside down much like today.


"The Bucket List." Most of us seem to have one; mine is to sing with a choir of Handle's Messiah, and to see Scotland once again. Simeon wanted to see the Messiah before he died. As he held the baby Jesus in his arms the prophesy had come true, as the Holy Spirit had revealed to him.


Augustine of Hippo in a sermon of Simeon’s song notes that Simeon saw the infant Christ both with his soul, and with his eyes, he had seen God’s salvation, the promised One had come! He was holding in his hands the Lamb of God and The Lion of Judah! Simeon could die in peace. I cannot think of anything in life anyone could desire more than to see Jesus.


In a season of waiting, we hear the words of Isaiah. “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings as eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)


(John Bunyan’s classic allegory - The Pilgrim’s Progress) Christian said, "I want to see Jesus.”


Dear Lord,

Thank you for so many things, like saints such as Simeon who are faithful followers, dedicated to your way. May we all have people like these in our lives today. People who are examples of faithfulness and obedience. Amen.

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Jesus is King

by Judy Webb

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” When King Herod heard this, he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.” (Matthew 2:1-3)

Why was Herod so concerned? Surely an infant could pose no threat to him. He was an adult and a powerful leader. So, what’s the issue? Besides, even if the baby could have a claim on Herod’s throne, that was so many years down the road. Just what was the big deal to Herod? Well, it is surprising what you learn when questions like this keep tugging until you stumble on new (to me) information.

Blog writer, Robin Schumacher tells the Magi were so powerful that no Persian was ever able to become king except under two conditions and one of them was He had to be approved of and crowned by the Magi.

First, Herod, appointed King by the Roman Empire, was insecure in his position. Second, he was very worried that he might not be able to hold on to his crown. When he discovered that there was a contingent of Magi on the way, following a star which heralded the Messiah’s coming, he panicked. He felt threatened by their arrival.

Upon closer look into the Magi community, it is interesting to learn that they were called King Makers. Reference to these men can be found in various places in the Bible. Esther 1:12-14, 19, Daniel 6:8, where they are generally referred to as wise men. They are the focus of our topic today in the Gospel of Matthew where the emphasis is Jesus is King. It would seem Herod was also aware of this, and he turned to violence to protect this crown.

There are a number of take-aways from this today. Things are not always as they appear. God is in control and no amount of Magi presence or kingly threats by the likes of Herod will deter from the will of God. Jesus is King!


Dear Heavenly Father,

Lead us on the path to you, the straight path of faith and obedience. Let us not be fooled by shiny objects, but to look only to Your Son for Salvation. That is where our peace and hope and joy resides. Amen.

Note: Other resources suggested instead of 3 wisemen, there were more than likely 300+ royal worshippers who made the lengthy trip, following a star. Can you picture that? What a concept! And certainly, most fitting for King Jesus.

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Desperately Seeking

by Mary Alice McGinnis

Are there things in your life that you have questions about? Things you don’t understand? Things for which you wish you had answers?


Most of the details about Jesus’ childhood remains a mystery. From the day He was consecrated in the temple until He was twelve years old, the New Testament writers do not give any information about Him. Then again after age twelve until He begins His ministry at age 30, the Gospels tell us nothing, What was Jesus like when He was 5, 10 or 20? How did He interact with others? Did He do any miracles? Did He have to learn to read and write, or saw and hammer, just like others His age?


Today’s story leaves us with a lot of unanswered questions too. Why did Jesus choose to stay behind in Jerusalem? Why did Mary and Joseph not notice He was not with them for a full day?


From the time of His infancy until He was age twelve, there were no recorded words from the incarnate Jesus.


What were Jesus first recorded words?


“Why were you searching for me?” He asked.


Think about that for a moment. Is there something you have been desperately seeking? Perhaps that search has been going on for a while, and there seems to be no end in sight. 

It may feel like God has abandoned you, been unkind to you, or treated you badly by allowing such distress. Maybe Jesus is asking you that question right now, “Why are you searching for Me?”


The twelve-year-old Jesus continues, “Didn’t you know that I had to be in my Father’s house?”


Mary and Joseph had desperately searched for Jesus for three full days. Where do you suppose they looked for Him? Yet Jesus tells them that should have known right where He was - in His Father’s house. It says, they found Him “in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them, and asking them questions. Everyone who heard Him was amazed at His understanding and His answers.”  


He was right where He was supposed to be, tending to His Heavenly Father’s business (as some translations say).


It says that Mary and Joseph did not understand what He was saying to them. Aren’t we just like that? Jesus bids us to seek Him. Where is He working? How is He bringing about His Father’s business right now? Where are we missing Him? He can be plainly seen if we just open our eyes to see Him. But often, in our humanness, we do not understand.


Even though she did not understand yet what Jesus was saying, “Mary treasured all these things in her heart.”   

This had been Mary’s practice since the Angels and the Shepherds came to visit the Child Messiah in His manger bed. Luke 1:19 says: “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” It was all too much to take in. She could not fully grasp it all. So, she gathered all these things together keeping them protected and guarded in her heart like a valuable treasure. Mary preserved God’s unmistakable unveiling of His glory, and kept it locked inside her lest these things be forgotten. Many think that Luke gathered the things Mary treasured up and wrote them down in the gospel of Luke.


After finding Jesus in the temple, Mary again treasures these things in her heart. Now she brings back to mind “why” Jesus came—to fulfill the mission His Heavenly Father laid out for Him. And He would do it in ways that would not always make sense. He would be obedient to them as a child. And as God’s Son, He would be obedient to His Heavenly Father—even unto death, death on a cross.


When we are searching, when we are looking for answers, when we are finding it hard to understand it all, perhaps we need simply to turn our hearts back to the One who DOES know all things. May we keep, protect, and guard this treasure inside our hearts - the relentless love that would go so far as to be born a human and die for us. We will find Jesus right there, doing His Father’s business - pouring out His relentless love in ways far above what we can think or imagine.


What questions were stirred up in your heart today? Bring them to Jesus. Lay them at His feet.

Lift your heart in prayer through this song: Magnify - by We are Messengers.

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