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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

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Combatting the Lie

by Pr. Dave Mann


The longest-standing lie of all time. It is the most pernicious, malicious, destructive, harmful falsehood in the entire world. And in addition, it is thought to be common knowledge, even to this day. What is it? It is the lie the serpent spoke in the garden. “God is holding out on you. If you obey God, you will miss something wonderful. Your life will be boring. God doesn’t really love you. If he did, he would not deny you the right to eat from this tree. You can’t trust him! Go ahead. Live a little!” (See Genesis 3:1-5.)


The Apostle Peter leans hard in the other direction. He exhorts us in the first verse to move definitively away from negative behaviors that the devil would love for us to taste—malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, slander, etc. The voice of the tempter desires to lure us into “experiencing all of life”—just to be fully informed about what the world is about.


Verse 3 blows away Satan’s empty promise and hurtful lie. Peter writes: “You have tasted that the Lord is good.” The truth is God wants the best for us. You can be sure that the will of God is what will build meaning and purpose and joy and peace and hope and confidence in our lives.


Verses 4-5 continue to urge us to believe that, as we trust him, the Lord will build all of us in the church as living stones into wholesome relationships. Christ Jesus is the Cornerstone, and we firmly place our weight on him. Likewise, we are fit together with the other living stones in the house of the Lord.


However, if our Enemy sees us beginning to dismiss his first lie, he has a backup. “Oh, so you think God is good, do you? Well, if the people of God knew what you have done, they wouldn’t want you as part of their household.” 


Check out what Peter writes in verse 9: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.It’s not about what you have done to make yourself worthy; it’s about what God has done.


And just to make it clear, Peter adds verse 10. God knows who you are and what you have done. Everything we have ever done, one day will be announced from the rooftops—no secrets. However, besides the announcement of what we have done, there will be an even louder proclamation of what God has done. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 



Lord Jesus, you are the way, the truth, and the life. Help me recognize the lies of the Enemy and to believe the truth that comes from your Word. Please convince me again and again to trust the declaration that you are good and that you want the best for me, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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More Precious Than We Can Imagine

by Elaine Pierce

In verse 51 of today's passage, after Jesus tells his disciples three short parables, he asks them a simple question,"Have you understood all these things?" They are quick to reply "Yes." Jesus is entrusting them with the message of good news, of salvation to all who believe. Now we know that the disciples might have thought they understood everything Jesus had taught them, but their behavior rarely reflected that truth. Oh, how much like the disciples I am! I know in my head what I should do, but my actions, my thoughts, my behavior betray my selfish, sinful spirit.

I have a friend who loves to antique. She browses flea markets and auctions, searching high and low for hidden treasures. She is particularly interested in old clocks, and she can tell you what makes a clock valuable and what makes a clock just old junk. It doesn't happen often, but when she finds one that is worth a lot of money, she is delighted, and she adds it to her collection.

These three parables illustrate how incredibly value we are to God. Just like the man who sells everything to buy the field, and the merchant who finds the priceless pearl and sells all he has to buy it: God searches until he finds us. He pays the ultimate price - the sacrifice of his son on the cross - to save us. And yes, dear friends, there will be a day of reckoning; the angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (v. 50).

Let's humbly ask God to give us eyes to see and hearts to do his work. We are precious in his sight, and he has redeemed us with the blood of Jesus. Thanks be to God!


Lord, you pursue me. You long for me to sit at your feet and worship you. You love me beyond measure. I cannot fathom such love, such unmerited favor. Thank you for this gift, and help me day by day to live a live that reflects your love, your grace and your mercy. Amen.

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Test of Sincere Love

by Mary Alice McGinnis


If you could find the perfect litmus test for sincere love, what would it be?  

Several years ago, a young woman took a trip to California. After a couple days of hiking, she and her friend—who was a guy—set off to see the sights in San Francisco. They found a place to park the rental car and went exploring. Several hours later when they returned, they found the windows of the rental car broken, and all the young woman’s expensive hiking gear had stolen.

Without a second’s hesitation, her "guy friend" got on his phone, made some calls to report the break in. While the young woman talked with the police, her friend stood on the sideline. He knew every piece of equipment she had lost, so he quickly used his phone to search for, order and pay for everything that was stolen.

When this young woman retells this story, she says, “That is when I first realized that he loved me.”


Luke 10 tells that the greatest commandment is: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind;” and, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”


Paul speaking to the Corinthians tells them he wants to test the sincerity of their love. But he says, “I am not commanding you.” Love cannot be genuine if it is forced or commanded. Love is not produced through the use of manipulation. The outpouring of sincere love shows itself in tangible ways, in giving - giving of ourselves, our time, our attention and our resources. Love is not simply having good intentions or having a willingness to help. Love takes action.

God shows us the perfect example of love in action. Jesus, who was the very Son of God, and was with the Father from the beginning, lived in all the splendor and glories of heaven. The riches that were His before He became human would make the all the riches of this earth seem minuscule.

Yet, because of His love for us, He chose to become poor, leaving the joys of heaven, and taking on human flesh as a man.

Why? For OUR SAKE.

He was willing to take our place, die a criminal’s death, so that we can share in His eternal, heavenly wealth, and become holy sons and daughters of God. He became poor so that through His poverty, we might become rich!

What will your response be to His extravagant love? In what ways can you express your love to Him and to those whom He puts in your path today?


Lord, You have shown Your love to me so lavishly. Why would You become poor so that I may share in Your riches? It is more than I can take in. I pray, Lord, that I will joyfully show sincere love to You for all You have done for me. May Your abundant love in my heart overflow into the lives of those around me in tangible ways today. Show me how to give of myself, my time, my attention, and my resources to express love today.

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