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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

Do you like to write and spend time in God's Word? Contact Judy Webb to learn more.






by Judy Webb

Yesterday’s devotion addressed the seed as the Word of God, and explains how the soil the seed fell on is the heart of the hearer. Today we will dig into light and how this light creates clarity and responsibility.


No one, after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed but puts it on a stand so that those who enter may see the light. (Luke 8:16)

Have you ever experienced a light bulb moment when suddenly your worries or fears have a solution? A time when everything seemed clear to you and understanding which was so elusive only minutes ago, became visible and very doable?

One point made in today’s text is about light in our lives and how we can live and see God’s truth in his Word because we have embraced the light. Have you experienced an unexplainable clarity to a problem you have wrestled with for days, only to see or understand exactly what to do next?

There was a day when circumstances brought me to my knees. I felt deep sadness. Calling out to God I asked, “is this all there is for me, for my life?” At this moment when I finally turned to God, everything began to change. It became clear and I could see a path before me I needed to take. It was as if God put a light on the road in front of me and inserted an arrow indicating to me my next step. It was a long journey, but it started when I turned to him in my darkness.

This light brought me into God’s Presence and my testimony began to take shape. Have you had a similar experience? Has God presented you with a light on your dark world? Not hiding this light under a jar is a command to share our good news.

How might we share this light with others? We can use our life, our place of business, our neighborhood, as a pulpit for the Gospel. Let your life preach the truth for all to see. And then pray for God to shine his guiding light for others to see and follow.


Oh, Jesus, I want to walk in your light every day. I need to see the path in front of me and take it to the place your want me to be. The dark is a frightening place to walk. Lord I ask you to always shine your light in front of me and lead me every moment of the day. Amen.

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The Good Seed

by Judy Webb

“…he (Jesus) told this parable: 'A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds ate it up. Some fell on rocky ground, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown.'" (Luke 8:4-8)

The Seed—Word of God

This story is an illustration of a farmer who is sowing seed for future crops. His seed falls on four kinds of soil with four different results. This seed is the word of God. The parable tells how we receive it or reject it.

How many of us have heard about God’s Word, but never truly experienced it? Some have heard it preached, but our minds, closed to the truth, never allowing His word to penetrate the ground around our hearts. This seed rested on the surface and was blown away by the winds of life.

The Seed—Word of Life

Any personal relationship with Jesus begins with a seed. It begins the day get violently knocked to the ground and brought face to face with the hard soil underfoot. Any seed that fell nearby bounced off this hard soil. Nothing could stick because of closed minds. Seed fell in this vicinity only to be gobbled up by birds or Satan’s vultures. Hearts were hard and there was no chance for nourishment for the seed. But then one day…a seed penetrates the rigid soil. Miraculously, A Word of life breaks through. A life changes.

Fruit—Results from good soil

The circle of life begins with a seed. Our faith and precious relationship with Jesus begin with a seed of surrender. Listen to God’s word, and trust and obey, then the seed will flourish. This seed, often planted out of desperation, when allowed to sink into the hard surface of our hearts, thrives. Tears of repentance and sorrow nourish this small seed. Eventually fruit results. Good fruit from good soil.


Dear Lord,

Open our ears to hear your words and to embrace them as truth. Good seed, and good soil, will produce good fruit. Let us ever remember this.

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Who is This Who Even Forgives Sins?

by Beth Voltmann

It might seem strange to us to imagine that a woman of low status in the Hebrew community would be able to enter the Pharisee’s home where Jesus had been invited to eat (Luke 7:36-38). Bible professor, Kristi McLelland, who teaches scripture from a Middle-eastern viewpoint, explains that the invited guests of that day and culture would recline on their left side facing the table while they ate, but the poor and needy, the outcasts and marginalized could gather along the back wall hoping to eat some scraps that were left over.


Before we judge Simon, the Pharisee, too harshly...when was the last time you attended a dinner event and the homeless and outcast were invited into the room to watch and wait in the hopes that the invited guests might notice them?


Or consider this, when have you so longed for God’s forgiveness that you would risk showing up at a home uninvited just hoping to have a moment with Jesus? Would you be willing to bear the shame of weeping and kissing his feet in front of all the others in attendance?


  • Simon noticed an outcast and responded in disgust “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is – that she is a sinner.” (Luke 7:39)


  • Jesus noticed a person and responded in love. "Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, “'Do you see this woman?'” (Luke 7:44)


Instead of shaming the sinner, Jesus chastised the accuser. “You did not.. but she [did]...” (Luke 7:44-26)

“Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.” (Luke 7:47)


And then, Jesus turned and spoke directly to her. He showed:

  • love to one who was scorned,

  • mercy to one who felt shame,

  • forgiveness to one who was trapped in a life of sin.


Pastor Aaron recently taught that the “miracle of forgiveness” should awe us. Just as the four lowered their paralyzed friend through the roof and Jesus forgave him because of their faith (Mark 2:5), today we see another miracle:


Jesus spoke these words to a woman weeping at his feet,

“Your sins are forgiven... Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” (Luke 7:48, 50)


“Who is this who even forgives sins?” (Luke 7:49)


Jesus is his name.


“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace...” (Ephesians 1:7)


Lord Jesus,

Thank you for noticing me—a sinner. I fall at your feet again today in repentance and thank you for the miracle of forgiveness. May I love much because I have been forgiven much. Stir within me the desire to share this Good News with anyone I meet!

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