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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

Do you like to write and spend time in God's Word? Contact Judy Webb to learn more.






Hardened Hearts

by Elaine Pierce

In today's scripture passage, we read two familiar stories: Jesus feeding the 5,000 and Jesus walking on water. I'm sure that you, like me, have read these stories many times. As I read them again today, however, verse 52 jumped out at me - take a look:

"They were completely amazed [that he had walked on the water out to their boat] for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened."

The disciples' hearts were hardened? Wait a minute, I thought the pharisees were the ones who didn't understand? What is this about? These are Jesus' closest followers, and even they don't understand? How could they have missed the point when they saw the miracle of Jesus providing a satisfying meal for thousands of people with only five loaves of bread and two fish? And then he walks on water - what else does he need to do to show them who he is?

And then I stop and ponder my own life experiences. How many times has God been faithful, and I so quickly forget? How often do I miss his blessings because I am focused on what I am doing? Yes, their hearts were hardened, but Jesus doesn't give up on them. He tells them not to be afraid when they see him walking on water: "Take courage!"

Take a few minutes each day to thank God for what he has done in your life and what he will do. Yes, you will have "walking on water" moments, but more often than not, you will see the small, quiet ways that God is loving you, guiding you, and forgiving you day by day. Don't be afraid. Take courage. He will not let you down, even when you ignore him or doubt him. He chose you, and he chose me - thanks be to God.


Lord, so often I fail to see your goodness and your mercy. I'm so caught up in my life and I want to run things my way. Help me stop, to listen, and to thank you for how you lead me day by day. Help me see your daily mercies, and to take comfort and rest in you. Amen.

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Getting Away with Murder

by Mary Alice McGinnis

Today’s story is not one of those “feel good” stories that has a happy ending. In fact, it leaves me with a lot of questions. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does it seem that those who do evil continue to thrive? Why do we not see justice done? Why is justice often tainted and twisted into something even more evil?


Even though John the Baptist had dedicated his life to being the forerunner of Jesus, it did not prevent him from experiencing the deadly attacks of evil and being executed by beheading.

The first phrase of today’s reading says, “Finally the opportune time came.” 

Where have you seen people prey upon others at an opportune time?

You see, Herod’s wife, Herodias, had been looking for an opportunity to kill John the Baptist. And some commentators think that Herod may have been in on the scheme.

They were looking for a way to “shut him up” because John has called them to account for their evil behavior. (See Mark 6:17)

Evil was out to get John precisely because he was doing what God called him to do. John was called to lead people to repentance, being the voice of one crying in the wilderness of sin, and preparing the way for the Lord Jesus, making a straight path for Him to work in their hearts.


If we rewind back to Mark 6:14-20 (yesterday’s reading), we will notice some things.


  1. Even though it seemed Herod and Herodias had no conscience and they were “getting away with murder,” Herod was still haunted by guilt and fear. Twice it mentions that Herod thought that John had come back from the dead.

  2. Strangely enough, even though John called Herod to account, he was still intrigued by him. Verse 20 says, “because Herod feared John and protected him, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man. When Herod heard John, he was greatly puzzled; yet he liked to listen to him.”

  3. John’s mission though seemingly squelched by being beheaded, his testimony continued to work. I am reminded of Isaiah 55:11 where it says: “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”


Maybe you have had someone in your life that has done a lot of evil things and seems to have gotten away with it. For me, these verses today caused me to consider that those who have harmed me, those who seem ruthless and without a conscience, maybe they are being haunted by guilt. It led me to think about praying for them as Jesus commanded, “But I tell you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.” Perhaps I can pray that the conviction of Holy Spirit will break through their hardened heart to bring them to repentance.


Maybe you have been the one who has been haunted by guilt? I too have had guilt haunt me.

I need to pray that the Holy Spirit would break through my hardness of heart. Simply being haunted by guilt does not lead us to repentance. Herod and Herodias did not repent in today's story. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 7:10, “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.”


We can continue to try to squelch conviction and become more and more hardened, or we can bring our sorrow and guilt to Jesus and lay it at the foot of the cross. 

Whether evil has been done to us, or by us, we can be assured of this. God will bring about His redemption in ways we cannot fully comprehend. His opportune time is always at work and is His ways are eternal. 


Use the lyrics of this song Back to Life, by Bethel Music, to bring your heart to God today.


The enemy thought he had me. But Jesus said, "You are mine."

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Stranger Things

by Judy Webb

"King Herod heard about this, for Jesus' name had become well known." (Mark 6:14)

What had Herod heard about Jesus? We need to back up to Mark 6:13 to understand that Herod knew Jesus had sent his disciples to preach repentance, the very subject of John's conversation with Herod. John was building a relationship with the king, a relationship which gave John the opportunity to speak to Herod's heart. He pointed out it wasn't lawful for Herod to have (Herodias), his brother's wife, as his own. (Verse 18)

"... Herod feared John and protected him, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man. When Herod heard John, he was greatly puzzled; yet he like to listen to him." (Mark 6:19-20)

What was Herod greatly puzzled about? Was the sin of sleeping with his brother's wife a new concept to him? Was John revealing truths that the king didn't understand? Is it possible Herod was trying to put the puzzle pieces together because he saw nothing wrong with his lifestyle and yet was feeling conviction? Possibly he liked some of what he heard even if he didn't understand?

I imagine there could have been a time you or I were so entangled in sin we couldn't see the damage it was doing to us. This is the way of sin sometimes. It masquerades as normal, even comfortable and exciting. Was there someone who pointed out the evil of our ways, or did we just suddenly hit bottom? Bottom is often where we can see truth and become motivated to change.

What about you and me and the people we want to tell our story to? Can our experiences help us have this much needed conversation? It is important to remember that we aren't the one who will save or convert our friend; it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that this will happen. Our only duty is to make a path, to share our faith, our story, our testimony of love and forgiveness. If a man like King Herod could become captivated by the stories of Jesus, is it just possible our unbelieving friends or neighbors could also become convicted to change and embrace the truth? Stranger things have happened.


Jesus, help each of us to step out boldly and tell that certain person whom you have placed on our hearts, why we love you. Give us courage to stop second guessing ourselves and just be a friend, an honest friend who has something to say. Amen.

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