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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

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Adding Jesus In?

by Pr. Dave Mann

Sometimes working with internationals from other cultures gives me fresh eyes to look at my culture, and my need for repentance. For example, people from a Hindu culture have many idols and gods. When they hear about Jesus and his compassionate miracles of the sick and oppressed... When they hear his witty and yet profound teachings... Even when they hear about his self-sacrifice on the cross and his glorious resurrection, they very easily acclaim him as divine. They can quickly add him to a collection of gods, even putting him on the top shelf with other divinities. They honor him as worthy of worship, along with those they already have.


In essence, this was what Peter, James, and John were doing with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. They were amazed at what they saw – Jesus gleaming brightly in very white clothing. It was astounding; they had never seen anything like this before. At a loss for words, Peter responded in the best way he could. He proposed that they build three tabernacles on the mountain to commemorate this extraordinary event. He wanted to add Jesus to the top shelf of the great religious leaders that they already were honoring. He proposed that they add Jesus to the top tier along with Moses and Elijah. But the voice from heaven gave a clear corrective, “This is my Son whom I love. Listen to HIM!” And then in an instant, they looked about, and they saw Jesus only.


I may think of a Hindu friend, and even about the three disciples, “How mistaken they were to add Jesus to the top shelf of other prophets, teachers, and even gods. They should have known better.” But then I wonder if I, or dare I say we, are in the same predicament. Do I simply, but mistakenly, add Jesus to other priorities in my life – financial considerations, my reputation, my preferred religious practices, my security, and my station in life? Yes, those things and others could be the gods before which I bow down in worship. Do I listen to their voices and make life decisions based on what they tell me? Am I just adding Jesus to the pantheon of priorities that I already have? 


Or, does Jesus have the sole voice of authority in my life? I need to listen to that ONE voice -- “This is my Son whom I love.  Listen to HIM!” --  and I then look around and see Jesus only.



Lord Jesus, sadly I look around and see many tents that I have erected in honor of the various things in my life whose voices I hear and follow. From my bent knee, may I in repentance look around with clear resolve to listen to the only beloved Son of the Father, and follow you and you alone, even my one and only Savior, Amen.

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by Elaine Pierce

Have you ever asked yourself what people really think of you? I certainly have, and my guess is that most of us wonder about that. Jesus asked his disciples that very question in Mark 8:27: "Who do people say I am?" and the disciples tell him. He then asks them the same question, and Peter, impulsive Peter, quick to speak Peter, blurts out "You are the Messiah." (v. 29)

After he warns his closest followers not to tell anyone who he really is, he spends some time telling them what is going to happen to him soon. He will suffer and die, then he will rise again. Again, Peter is quick to reject this less-than-pleasant-sounding narrative. Jesus' response to Peter seems startling and, if I'm honest, over the top:

"Get behind me, Satan! You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." (v. 33)

Lord Jesus, we turn our eyes to, you and ask that you cleanse us from all unworthy attempts to worship you. You alone are worthy and we can stand before the throne of God because of the sprinkled blood of Jesus.


“To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.” (Jude 1:25)

I imagine Peter was crushed by Jesus' response. I know I would be. Certainly the Messiah is not going to die! He is going to vanquish the hated Roman conquerors, and be restored to his rightful place on the throne! It's easy for us to see that Peter was way off base, but we have the benefit of knowing 'the rest of the story.' Jesus reminds me - and he reminds us - that we don't have a kingdom perspective - read verse 33 again as a reminder:

The rest of today's passage is full of important words from Jesus, and troubling ones, too (I could write many blog posts on Mark 9:1 and still not fully understand it. For today, let's stop and ponder how we can grow in our faith so that our outlook, day by day, is more like Jesus. Start each day thanking God for life and take time to remember that the only way to 'win' is to follow him wherever he leads. He longs to create in you and me a clean heart, and he longs to give us a gentle spirit. Ask the Lord to equip you for every good work, and thank him each day for the opportunities he gives you to grow, to share, to be more like him.


Lord, I'm so impatient. I want you to bless me, but often I don't want to follow you and listen to your call. Help me today and each day this week to spend time with you, to follow you, and to grow more deeply in faithful living. Amen.

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Gradual Healing

by Mary Alice McGinnis

Over the past few years, I have had several occasions when I needed healing. In March of 2013, I broke my wrist. In September of 2020, I was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer. In September of 2022, I developed plantar fasciitis. And this past year, on October 1, 2023, I had a biking accident, breaking three metacarpal bones in my right hand.


On each of those occasions, I know I was lifted up in prayer by many, and I could feel their prayers. I remember one beautiful sister who prayed over me, saying, “Lord, please heal Mary Alice supernaturally. Let it be evident to her that You are the One who has healed her.”


Did I receive immediate healing? No.


But God did heal me gradually. Sometimes the healing does not seem complete, even yet. I still have scars from my various surgeries. And my right hand is still stiff from my recent accident.


But God is healing me none the less - maybe in ways I don’t always see at first. God often uses physical circumstances to teach us. The truth is physical healing will always be temporary at best while we are living in these frail bodies. Maybe He is more concerned about our spiritual healing.


In today's story, when Jesus first spits and lays His hand on the blind man’s eyes, the man can only see shapes, men looking like trees. But then Jesus full restores the man’s sight. Did you know this is the only recorded miracle of Jesus that was gradual? I think it is a reminder that we cannot put God in a box, that He can heal us in countless ways and through myriads of methods.


Maybe you are walking through a season right now where it feels like God is not listening to your prayers for healing. In that season, perhaps He is asking you and I to open our eyes to see how He is using the gradual healing processes which we take for granted. Think about the miracle of broken skin or broken bones that heal. God is the One who designed our bodies in such a miraculous way. Doctors, nurses, physical therapists, and other health care professionals that He has placed in our lives. Who granted them the wisdom and skill to do such amazing things?


Today’s story of Jesus healing the blind man comes on the heels of two other miracles Jesus performed. Jesus fed the five thousand in Mark 6. And then He fed the four thousand in the beginning of Mark 8. The disciples were slow to see Jesus for who He was. Jesus even says that they were hard of heart.

I think it is curious that Jesus heals this blind man gradually on the heels of those two miracles. He was performing a slow healing in His disciples hard hearts and of their limited vision of Him, at the very moment this man's physical eyesight was being slowly restored.


I too have seen God do miraculous spiritual healing in me as He is gradually healing me physically. After my recent biking accident when I broke my right hand, I ran across this scripture.


Isaiah 41:9-10: “I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”


Coming across this Scripture at that moment was not a coincidence. I could hear Jesus speaking healing to me. You see, when I fell on my bike, I was seventeen miles from home, and it felt like the farthest ends of the earth. Yet, He provided a Good Samaritan who offered to take me home. God reminded me how often He has provided for me.

He reminded me HE IS my strength, and not to depend upon my strength. A lesson I constantly need reminding of. Perhaps that is why I need the reminders of my scars.

He reaffirmed to me He has a purpose and plan for me. God used this verse to produce some much-needed spiritual healing, healing that I know will last for eternity. He is my righteous right hand.


What about you? Where has God used something physical to reveal some place where you needed spiritual healing?


Lord Jesus, we pray for Your divine healing! Open our eyes to how Your are working to heal us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You alone are the Divine healer. Thank You that we can be anchored to the hope and confidence of knowing that Your perfect healing will come to us and will last for eternity. In Jesus' Name! Amen!

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