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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

Do you like to write and spend time in God's Word? Contact Judy Webb to learn more.






Humbly Serve

by Judy Webb

They left that place and passed through Galilee. Jesus did not want anyone to know where they were, because he was teaching his disciples. He said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise.” (Mark 9:30-31)

Jesus overheard the disciples who were with him, arguing. He had much more to teach these special men before they could survive the future without Him. Quietly they left their current surroundings and headed south through Galilee, careful not draw attention to themselves, as they needed this time alone to learn all they could from Jesus.

An urgent lesson Jesus would teach was, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be very last and servant of all.” (v 35) He taught this kind of humility and used a little child to emphasize the contrast in status. Children were not of value during that time in history. But when Jesus drew a child to himself he was exemplifying love and humility.

The disciples were human, with all the frailty, failing, and weaknesses we all employ. Jesus was attempting to teach his followers about humility and service. Each of us has most likely experienced lessons on these two topics. Humility can be tough to embrace. Ask anyone in their golden years who realizes they can’t do what they used to do without thinking it through or asking for help. Help is challenging to accept as well as ask for.

Now we see Jesus, embarking on his most humbling of journeys… the way to the cross, and all the humiliation that would follow. This picture depicts a stunning practice, not to seek honor, but acknowledge that lowliness is the pathway to greatness. And it all begins and ends with LOVE.


Dear Heavenly Father, as we journey through this season of Lent, give us a better understanding what it means to serve humbly without seeking recognition. To be a servant of one another is to truly experience the Love of Jesus.

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Only By Prayer

by David Thompson

Jesus and three of His disciples had been on a mountain (a mountain top experience - meaning a high spiritual time with God). Unfortunately they had to come down literally and were confronted with the very face of evil. If that weren't bad enough, they noticed among the crowd a large number of "teachers of the law." There have been times when I went to a Christian convention, concert or just communing with my God, that I experienced real joy. Those were definitely mountain top experiences. What I noticed was that the days consecutively following these spiritual highs, Satan was right there causing doubt. I am sure coming down the mountain and seeing what turned out to be extreme evil brought the mountain top experiencers down a bit. Have you ever had a spiritual high time when you came home and you felt oppressed and even depressed? This was no doubt Satan interfering with you.

There is a way to defeat Satan at times like these. Jesus told His disciples the secret of casting out the kind of demons this boy in the story had. In verse 29, we read, "...only by prayer." When I was a young man, there was a Christian comedian named Mike Warnke. He wrote a book called "The Satan Seller." In the book, he told about his experiences messing with the occult. To make a long story, short - he became a Christian and traveled around the country telling funny stories of his life. One time he warned the audience about messing with the occult (seances, Ouija boards, tarot cards and Satan worship, etc.). He told about times when Satan directly oppressed him. The only way for it to stop for him was to pray the following, "by the blood of Jesus, stop oppressing me." It took time, but this prayer seemed to have the power to stop the oppression. Perhaps we might try that when we sense Satan too near. It can't hurt.


Dear Jesus, thank you for all of the times you gave us examples to live by. Help us to live out James 4:7 where it says, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." In John 10:10, we are warned, that "Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. However Jesus came that they may have life and have it abundantly." Lord, I want to live abundantly so be especially with me and with all the readers when trouble comes. Amen!

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What Are You Looking For?

by Mary Kate Hipp

For years, I did not understand the transfiguration. Perhaps it was that big fancy word--"transfiguration." Whenever I heard people talk about this passage, I always thought they overcomplicated it. So what's going on here?

Jesus has ascended a mountain with his three closest followers. Atop the mountain, He reveals that He is Christ, Son of God. As God's beloved Son, Jesus functions as and is highlighted in Mark as the one who has been sent by God, acts for God, speaks on behalf of God, and is vindicated by God. As often commanded throughout Mark, Jesus commands them to tell no one of what they had seen or heard.

Why did Elijah and Moses appear before them on the mountain though? How did this prove that Jesus is the Son of God?

The Jewish people were expecting the second coming of Elijah. They thought John the Baptist was Elijah and now they think Christ is Elijah. Jesus is again affirming that Elijah has already come, Elijah is not the one who can accomplish what Christ has been sent to do, Jesus is the Son of Man who has come to save everyone from their unrighteousness, not a second Moses, not a second Elijah. The Jewish people were anticipating the coming of their savior, yet when He appeared right in front of them, when He did life with them, they missed Him entirely (John 1:10-12).

Are we like the Jewish people? Yes, we know Jesus. We read a lot about Him, we spend time with Him on Sundays, we say blessings over our food. Are you looking for someone or something else? What are you looking for? Who or what are you expecting? Are you looking for a God that sides with you politically? Are you looking for a God that calls you to an easy life? Are you looking for a God that gives you a perfect life on a platter? Have you missed Jesus Christ and instead created some "feel good" God in your mind?


Lord, who or what are we seeking? Reveal to us now what it is we are looking for in place of you. Have we missed you entirely? Have we put you in a box? Lord may we never forget nor neglect the salvation only you bring. Amen.

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