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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

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False Promises

by Mary Kate Hipp

I often read these passages and imagine false messiahs and prophets as actual people. Many have come claiming to be the Messiah, but what I often fall into is the false Messiah or false promises of this world. I have heard the same from many of my peers as well. By this I mean the thought process of "Once I graduate college and start a real job, then life will turn around." "Ok now I have a job, but I'm still not fulfilled, maybe when I get married then my life will be perfect."

Have you ever found yourself deceived by the false promises of the world like this? When you stick to that diet... when you are friends with those people... when you get that job... when you buy that house... then you will be fulfilled. We are always waiting on false promises or messiahs of this world.

My social media only perpetuates this idea: "buy [this product], it changed my life!" "take [this workout class] it'll transform your life." "Do [this thing] and your life will be great!" What a lie this all is!

For a short time, we may experience fulfillment or relief from these false messiahs of the world, but until Christ is our all, we will not be fulfilled. The promises of this world will never hold even a glimmer of the glory and power that Jesus the Messiah does. The beauty of the gospel—that Jesus alone fulfills us. There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation. We simply can never pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and save ourselves. No diet, no certain friend, no job, no degree, no nothing will ever "earn" us salvation. Do not fall for the false messiahs or false promises of this world! Be on guard!


Lord, no power or promise or glory or joy will ever compare to You. We rejoice that you alone are our deliverer, our Messiah, our joy, our freedom. Walk with us today as we guard ourselves from the lies of this world. Amen.

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Ready or Not ...

by Pr. Dave Mann


Jesus’ words in Mark 13 are quite challenging. Rare is the believer who longs to be among those who will live through these times of distress and tribulation. Jesus himself says that the persecution that will precede the end of the age will be unlike any time in history. 


There indeed have been horrific times for Christians in different periods of history. Some missionaries, who were the first to share the gospel with various ethnic groups, were greeted with spears and swords. According to tradition, all the twelve apostles (except John) died a martyr’s death. Polycarp and Perpetua are perhaps the best-known martyrs after The Twelve. Click here for more info. The era when Diocletian was emperor of the Roman Empire (and several of his successors) was awful. Click here for a fuller description. 


This happened not just in the early centuries of the church but also in more recent centuries—Korea, central Africa, the deep jungles of South America, etc. Who can forget the young men, including Nate Saint and Jim Elliot, who were speared to death in their attempts to share the love of Christ with a remote tribe in Ecuador? Read about it in Through Gates of Splendor.


The suffering continues in the present day. Women believers in Iran are boldly proclaiming Christ, and then pay the price. Those who dare to preach the name of Christ in Somalia, are beaten and thrown in prison. Christian believers in northern Nigeria and areas controlled by radicals see their churches burned, their men killed, and their women and daughters taken as hostages.


As horrific as all those stories were and are, Jesus says that the days of tribulation at the end of the age will be “days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now—and never to be equaled again.” (Mark 13:19) Are you ready to live through those difficult times? Many of us have difficulty living with the smirks and the rolling of the eyes of people when we verbally express our faith in Christ. If God chooses to bring the present age to a close within our lifetime, how will the church manage the severest persecution of all time? Only by the grace of God. Read the biographies of the martyrs. None of them saw themselves as exemplary models of courage. They simply lived out the faith that the Holy Spirit gave them moment by moment. Ready or not, that time is coming. If we see it, we will also experience the Holy Spirit’s presence as well.



Lord God, thank you for the courage that you have given your martyrs from ancient times to the present. Should we live through the persecution of the end-times, or that of more moderate severity, we trust you will give us the boldness and peace to experience your Holy Spirit as well. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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by Elaine Pierce

This is a challenging passage, isn't it? The disciples admire the beautiful temple; it was truly a wonder of the ancient world, but Jesus reminds them of how temporal it is (see v. 2 - the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D.). Then Jesus expands his teaching to tell them about when the end of the world as we know it will come. Many, many well-meaning theologians and scholars have studied these verses and others in scripture and have attempted to set a date and a time when "people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory" (v. 26) It sounds so majestic and exciting, and I would love to be here to witness this!

He reminds his disciples - and us - that no one, not even the angels in heaven - know the day or the hour when Christ will return. So rather than spending our time trying to pin down the date, what should be we doing?

Therefore, keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back... What I say to you, I say to everyone: 'Watch!'" (v. 35, 37)

A mother watches her baby carefully, making sure no harm comes to him.

A soldier keeps watch through the night, protecting his country.

A farmer watches his crops, making sure no pests invade and destroy his livelihood.

A doctor watches his patients for signs of health or disease and prescribes treatment that will be effective and safe.

How do we watch for Jesus' return? We watch joyfully; we watch with anticipation, and we watch knowing we are forgiven and redeemed and will be with him for all eternity.

Our "watch party" could be when we gather for Sunday worship... when we join our small group for prayer... we don't know the day or the hour, but we know he is faithful and he will keep his promises.


Lord, you are coming again, and everyone will know that you are Lord. Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess your name. Spend a few minutes meditating on his glory - this classic may help you prepare to watch and wait.

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