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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

Do you like to write and spend time in God's Word? Contact Judy Webb to learn more.






Are You Like the Disciples?

by Kim Starr

Jesus and his disciples have just shared the Last Supper, sung a hymn, and have gone to the Mount of Olives. I am sure the disciples were overwhelmed by what transpired at the Passover meal. Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. Jesus said one of them would betray him and Judas learned Jesus knew it was him. Jesus talked about his body being bread and his blood being wine.

Jesus then tells the disciples he will be put to death, but he will rise and meet them in Galilee. How many times has Jesus told his disciples what was going to happen to him? How many times did they not understand what was going to transpire? Even though he sometimes talked to them in parables, he also had been direct with them. They remained confused and didn’t get it.


This made me wonder: how many times has Jesus spoken to me and I didn’t get it? Or how many times has he told me something and I’ve failed to listen? How many times have I repeatedly asked him for something and it isn’t until much later that I realize he answered and I hadn’t paid attention at the time?


There are three significant times in my life where I can remember Jesus speaking directly to me and telling me what to do. The first time, I didn’t listen to him at all and ended up in a very unhealthy situation. The second time, I listened, but didn’t believe in what I was doing. Nevertheless, God made my doing what he told me to do one of the best decisions of my life, and by following his instructions, literally changed lives. The third time, I knew what Jesus wanted me to do. I argued with him and told him I didn’t want to do it. I had already done what he was asking me to do, and I didn’t want to do it again. I reluctantly did it anyway and, a few months later, the reason he told me to do it was crystal clear.


Think back over your life and see if you were ever like the disciples. Do you recall Jesus speaking to you and you failed to understand? Or did you get confused or not listen or act? Paying attention to Jesus is really important. He speaks to us through his Word, prayers, dreams, and others. Take a moment today and ask Jesus what he wants to tell you.


Jesus, open my eyes, ears and heart to what you have to say to me today. Help me listen, understand, and act on what you are telling or teaching me. Help me follow you all of my days. Amen.

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Walking Alongside Jesus

by Judy Webb

On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb, Jesus’ disciples asked him, “Where do you want us to go and make preparations for you to eat the Passover?” (Mark 14:12)


This begins a miraculous chain of events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. Jesus tells them to go into the city and follow a man carrying a jar of water into a house and then ask the owner of the house for a guest room large enough for Him and the Disciples to share the Passover. The owner showed them a room upstairs, furnished, and ready. It all played out as Jesus said. As will the next two days.

During Holy Week, as we walk the road Jesus did, remembering the suffering and pain He endured, I am reminded of the betrayal He must have felt. The betrayal of a close friend is something that is difficult to get over. I wonder, did Jesus reflect on Judas' disloyalty as he was being scourged? Did Jesus see Judas' face when he looked into the eyes of this tormentors?

Judas must have professed his love for Jesus at one time, when did that change? Or perhaps Judas was living a lie all along. What happened to cause his behavior to become so radical. It is one thing to spread a lie about another so we can feel better and more important; but to send someone to his death is another. It is irrevocable.

“When evening came, Jesus arrived with the Twelve. While they were reclining at the table eating, he said, 'Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me—one who is eating with me.'" (Mark 14:17-18)

This scenario gives me pause to ask myself, "Do my actions match my words?" Integrity is the cornerstone of civilization. When I can't be trusted to be true to my friends, I need to step back and examine my heart. Holy Week is a most perfect time to do things like this; we can reflect on Jesus' journey and take stock of our own hearts. Forgiveness is ours for the asking. Judas could have repented, begged for Jesus to forgive, and even though it would not have changed Jesus' destiny, it would have changed the future for Judas. Forgiveness will change our destiny too, whether we are asking for it or granting it to someone.

Stay alert! There is so much more to the story.


Come Lord, Jesus. Be our guide and our teacher. Purify our hearts and cleanse our thoughts to be in step with Your love. Remind us of the victory on the Cross and how it has changed us forevermore. Amen.

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The Alabaster Jar

by David Thompson

This is an interesting passage. Many times in the life of Jesus, He predicted His death. The passage opens with the chief priest and the teachers of the law (Pharisees) once again plotting the arrest and demise of Jesus. A woman, likely Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus, came and poured expensive perfume on Jesus' head. Many at the dinner were indignant and discussed how the perfume was equivalent to a year's wages and should have been sold and the money given to the poor.

Interestingly, Jesus rebukes the naysayers and explains that she was doing an amazing thing for Him. She poured the perfume as a foretelling of His death and ultimate burial where they would anoint the dead body with perfume and spices. And He predicted her deed would remain on people's lips for eternity. Many will read her unselfish act of worship, recorded in Mark, for many years to come.

The perfume was the last straw for one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot. The Life Application Bible says that the main person who was indignant about the perfume was Judas. Judas was the keeper of the group's funds and the waste really bothered him. Many have speculated that he was skimming money off of the top of the group's funds as Judas proved to be a dishonest person.

Think about the comparison between Mary and Judas. She was doing an act of worship and he was just unfairly complaining about it. Mary loved Jesus, but Judas was looking for a military leader to defeat the Romans. He wanted to be a major player in Jesus' triumphant reign. When he saw that Jesus was speaking about Heavenly things and not military, he decided to make some money by betraying Jesus. And as they say, "the rest is history."


Dear Lord, help us be more like Mary in this story. Help us give to you our best first fruits and help us be a shining light to others. Let us not worry about the Judas's who might second guess our behavior. Let what we do always point to you. Amen.

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