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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

Do you like to write and spend time in God's Word? Contact Judy Webb to learn more.






Free Indeed!

by Judy Webb

“The king summoned the man and said, ‘You evil servant! I forgave your entire debt when you begged me for mercy. Shouldn’t you be compelled to be merciful to your fellow servant who asked for mercy?’ The king was furious and put the screws to the man until he paid back his entire debt. And that’s exactly what my Father in heaven is going to do to each one of you who doesn’t forgive unconditionally anyone who asks for mercy.” (Matthew 18:32-35 MSG)

Forgiveness, a vast word with numerous applications. We are called to forgive one another’s wrongdoings, their unkind words, and offenses which are cut us down. We are to forgive hurts, debts, omissions, and the list goes on. One way to look at it is: because we are sinful beings, forgiveness is a way of life and is never ending. There is always someone to forgive, some offensive act to put behind us.

If we don’t understand the concept of forgiveness, it can sit like a heavy ball on our chest, a pit in our stomachs giving indigestion. We shouldn’t view forgiveness as someone getting away with anything. No, when we forgive we are the ones who benefit from the act. A heavy load is removed from our hearts and consciences.

In the case of the scripture text for today, the issue at hand is the forgiveness of debt. Just think if all your monetary debt were cancelled, how free you would feel. How free you would indeed be! Would you then feel justified in going to your neighbor who owes you $20 and demand they repay you on the spot, or else? Anyone with an ounce of human compassion wouldn’t think of doing such an outlandish thing. But would instead forgive the debt.

Forgiveness is generosity at its finest and referred to often in scripture by:

  1. Do to others what you would have them do to you. (Matthew 7:12)

  2. Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. (Hebrews 10:24)

  3. Make every effort to live in peace with everyone…” (Hebrews 12:14)

This sort of living is attainable when we set aside our pride, when we extend the hand of friendship and offer everyone the opportunity to forgive and forget, as Jesus did.



Remind me often of the golden rule and teach me to live by it. Forgiveness is a way of life for the Christian. What a different world this would be for sure. Let it begin with me. Amen.

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Covenant Living

by David Thompson

God shows us His true face in these eleven verses. Some people have said that God is a distant god. Others say He is aloof. Still others deep down doubt His very existence. I say, "Silly people." In my life, there have been times when I had my doubts, but over time God showed me He was present. It reminds me of the poster I saw some years ago. It showed a single

set of tracks and the narration went that "When I was in hardship and trouble, you left me alone." God answered, "When there was only one set of tracks, I was carrying you."

I challenge you to journal or just write a history of your life and expand the parts where you were in great difficulty. Take time to look back on it now, and I hope you see the Lord's work in your life during those times. You see, God is a "jealous" God. We are told that He has every one of the hairs of your head counted (and with mine that number changes every time I wash or brush my hair). Not only does He care about us on an ongoing basis, He cares for all in His creation. In Matt. 10:29-31, we are told that "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your fathers care."

The second theme was about debt and the poor. God tells us to not be hardhearted and tightfisted. Forgive a debt (officially once every seven years), but more often if the person in debt is needy and poor. I will speak more about this theme in my next devotional that comes out in two days.


God, help us to see that you are there in the tough places. You "covenant" with us daily, and if we just take a retrospective look back on our lives, we will see you at work. Thank you for all you do for each one of us, and help us take the exercise of looking back at your mighty work as a confidence builder for future troubled times. Help us to follow your commands and to be kind to the poor. We pray this in Your Name. Amen.

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"I am Compassionate," Says the Lord

by Mary Kate Hipp

It's a gray, hazy day right outside Jerusalem and I'm on a hike with my friends along the Judean wilderness. There are a few Bedouin villages along the route. The Bedouin are a nomadic Arab tribe found throughout the middle east. They are typically poor and live in houses made of other people's trash. As we are passing by one of the villages and nearing the top of one of the peaks on our route, we suddenly see a little girl, no older than 9, scale the side of the mountain as fast as she can. She greets us with the biggest smile. This little girl was wearing clothes that were covered in holes and were either too baggy or too small, she was covered head to toe in dirt, shoes that were barely intact, and a full backpack. She wore the most beautiful smile, too.

My friends and I, new to the land and clearly out of breath, look pathetic compared to this little girl who just ran up the side of the mountain as if it were easy. She saw us, knowing no English, and had compassion on us. She unzipped her backpack to give us waters (a precious commodity) and beautiful handmade bracelets.

This little girl saw us from afar, saw our needs and came running. Each of us were wearing our top dollar hiking backpacks and boots, nice clothes that we bought firsthand, and we each were about to graduate from highly esteemed institutions. She literally lived in a trash hut, was the part of the poorest peoples in Israel, yet she was elated to gift us with water and bracelets.

Is this not the Gospel? That Jesus sees us in our need (even when we think we lack nothing), he runs after us no matter the height or depth, and provides our very needs. Through the precious smile of this little girl I was reminded of the compassion of the Father. V. 27 For when they cry out to me, I will hear, for I am compassionate, says the Lord. For the price he paid for us on the cross, there is no debt, there is no interest, all was paid on the cross. Our God is so generous to lavish us with his compassion, much like I saw in this sweet little Bedouin girl.


Lord in your compassion, thank you for running after us in our need. We praise you that there is no interest or debt to be paid. What you demand is just our faithful love. Lord, may we respond to the generosity of your Gospel with a generous spirit ourselves. Would you remind us of your compassion? We love you. Amen.

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