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Daily Worship

Bible readings and resources for your time with God

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Lost and Found

by Elaine Pierce

As I read today's passage, a very familiar one to be sure, I found myself reflecting on verse 11, particularly on the younger son's request to his father: "Father, give me my share of the estate." In Jesus' day, and in our day, it is unusual for a child to request their inheritance from a parent before the parent has died. In fact, it seems downright - presumptuous - doesn't it? Maybe even rude? Why on earth did this younger son demand his inheritance before its time? What made him think this was a good idea? As we find out as we read the passage, it didn't work out well for him, and after he quickly ran through all his money, he found himself reduced to feeding pigs (which would have been an abomination for a faithful Jew).

We all know how kindly, how graciously, how lovingly, his father responded when he came home and begged his father's forgiveness (see verse 21). Even before he had a chance to ask for mercy, his father "was filled with compassion, he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." (v. 21)

Today we're not going to look at the older brother's role in all of this—you can read about him in verses 25-31. So let's think about this bratty younger brother, who focused on short-term pleasure, found out it was hollow and empty, returned home with a plan to work his way back into the father's good graces, and was met with joy, forgiveness, and a huge party complete with the best food and wine.

We can't out-give God, can we? We make mistakes, just like the younger brother (and the older brother). We ask for what isn't ours, and we waste time, energy and money on things that don't matter. When we come to our senses (and Lord willing, we will), the Father is filled with compassion, and he greets us with love, with mercy, and with forgiveness. You may not have done something as egregious as this young man, but we all fall short. And God's plan does not include works for the sake of earning our keep. No, we do good works because we love him, and that is our response to what he has done for us.

Thanks be to God that our Father is a good God, and he loves us not for our good works, but because we are made in his image and he calls us his son and daughters.



Lord, so often I want to do things my way, and I fail to ask you to guide me and lead me. Thank you for watching for me, for welcoming me, for loving me. Help me each day to live a life that reflects your love, your grace and your mercy. Amen.

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Losing Something Valuable

by Mary Alice McGinnis

Have you ever lost something valuable? Maybe a credit card, or a purse. Maybe a ring, or something special someone gave you. Maybe something even bigger like a car or a house.

Or even a relationship or loved one.


When I was in college living in a dormitory, like most college students, money was tight. I took odd jobs to help pay for my books and living expenses. One day as I was getting ready for class, I was putting in my contact lenses, and “blip” my left contact fell onto the floor in my dorm room. I did not own a spare set of contacts nor a pair of glasses. Being nearsighted since I was a child, seeing clearly in the classroom was going to be a serious problem. Plus, it would be a huge expense to replace it. I panicked!

I got down on my hands and knees, frantically searching, running my hands across my tile floor desperately looking for my lost contact. After ten minutes of having no luck, I tried a different approach. First, I carefully scoured the area rug, shook it out and then carefully rolled it up.

Next, I took my broom, and starting from the farthest corner of the room, I swept towards the middle of the room, making a dust pile in the middle of the floor. I repeated this process from each of the other three corners of the room. As I started to sweep the final dust pile into the dustpan, BEHOLD there was my contact lens!! I was elated!!

I searched for this contact lens diligently and did not give up because it was valuable to me. I was going to find it, no matter what it took.

The coin in today’s parable was valuable to this woman too. Doesn’t it show us how valuable we are God? We are His! We belong to Him. He loves us! But not in a way that He simply tolerates us.

God TREASURES us. He comes looking for us and does not give up.


As you ponder on that today, take the words of this song, and put your name in these blanks. Pray it as though God were speaking theses words to you right now.

God is saying to you:


___________, you are more precious than silver.

___________, you are more costly than gold.

___________, you are more beautiful than diamonds.

And nothing I desire compares with you.

Now close your prayer time, listening to this the song a second time, giving your praise back to the Lord who considers you precious, valuable, beautiful, and desirable enough to spend His life blood to come find you!


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Harsh Reality

by Jennifer Jerrome

Zephaniah is one of the smaller and lesser-known books of the Bible, but it sure packs a punch. The second verse states, “I will sweep away everything from the face of the earth,” declares the Lord. Yikes!

Zephaniah watched as Israel turned away from God, so he wanted to give King Josiah and surrounding nations a picture of what was to come if they didn’t change their ways.

The first two chapters were a warning that God’s judgement was coming and coming quickly.

"That day will be a day of wrath –

a day of distress and anguish

a day of trouble and ruin

a day of darkness and gloom

a day of clouds and blackness." (1:15)


"In the fire of his jealousy the whole earth will be consumed, for he will make a sudden end of all who live on the earth." (1:18) Yikes again!


I imagine if I were living in Jerusalem at the time, my anxious heart would grow increasingly more anxious; BUT Zephaniah prophesied there was still time to turn things around.


"Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, you who do what he commands. Seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the Lord’s anger." (2:3)


In stark contrast to the first chapters, Chapter 3 talks about the Restoration of Israel.


"Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, Daughter Jerusalem! The Lord has taken away your punishment; he has turned back your enemy. The Lord, the King of Israel, is with you; never again will you fear any harm." (3:14-15) (Sigh of relief!)


Today’s devotion focuses on the final four verses which depict a much more loving God who "will take great delight in you."


Verse 17 refers to God as the Mighty Warrior who saves and rejoices over you with singing, as opposed to the Mighty Warrior of 1:14 who shouts his battle cry before destroying the earth.


Zephaniah is definitely a study in contradictions, as are many books of the Bible, but for as many times as we hear about God’s wrath, we hear about his loving mercy even more. The Mighty Warrior is also a Gentle Peacemaker. And as much as I’d like to focus on the “goodness” of God, the fire of his jealous anger cannot be ignored.  


The world is a messed-up mix of darkness and light, despair and hope. It’s one of the things I struggle to reconcile in my mind that wants so badly for everything to be pleasant and agreeable. Conflict is hard for me, but it is through the fire that we are baptized into new life. It is through the fire that God brings us home.


Father God, in you co-exists Mighty Warrior and Gentle Peacemaker. May we acknowledge the contrasts and know you want nothing more than to gather us to yourself and give us honor and praise. Thank you for the words of Zephaniah. Though sometimes harsh, they ultimately lead to a hope that can only be found in you. Amen.

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