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UALC Church Council

Congregational Meetings


Fall Congregational Meeting

Our next meeting will be in the Fall, 2024, 12:30 pm at the Mill Run Campus. 

A light lunch will be provided.

Questions? Email

Newly Elected: Council and Nominating Committee Members

Jill Wisecup

Nominating Committee

Term: 2-Year

Years Attending UALC: 50+

Spouse: Drew • Child: Tanner

Campus: Lytham Road

My Prayer for UALC: The church has been so instrumental in my life, and I pray that both campuses will continue to grow and thrive in unity. I pray we can be the "oasis" for people searching for answers, comfort, a rest.

I’d like you to know this about me: I am thankful for my husband and I reaching our 25th wedding anniversary. We love all things outdoors, fishing, canoeing, and camping. My son, Tanner, is a senior at Tree of Life Christian School and will graduate in May. He plans to attend Columbus State in the Fall, and eventually Ohio State.

Nancy Jeggle

Nominating Committee

Term: 2-Year

Years Attending UALC: 28

Spouse: Scott • Children: Karla (age 27), Laura (age 24)

Campus: Lytham Road

My Prayer for UALC: That we keep the Bible and the work of Jesus as our foundation. I pray that every member experiences the joy (and responsibility) of having kingdom influence. May we continually seek opportunities to deepen our own faith and to boldly share the good news of Jesus with others. Draw the community into our church. Connect and witness again and again.

I’d like you to know this about me: I’m social. It is a gift from God that has repeatedly given me opportunities to see others as precious. I desire to listen, pray, and serve.

Current Council Officers and Members

Council year runs from July 1 through June 30 each year.


Roy Gilliam


Term Ends: 06/2026


Dan Overmyer


Term Ends: 06/2025


Lindsay Notwell


Term Ends: 06/2026


Steve Turnbull

Senior Pastor


Jane Leach

Vice Chair

Term Ends: 06/2027


Marcie Seidel


Term Ends: 06/2025


Steven (Steve) Espe


Term Ends: 06/2027


Aaron Thompson

Executive Pastor


Steve Mellum

Past Chair

Term Ends: 06/2025


Terry Gustafson


Term Ends: 06/2026


Carol Davis


Term Ends: 06/2027


Lee Anne Otto

Church Secretary


Lisa Igel


Term Ends: 06/2025


Kristen Henry


Term Ends: 06/2026


Kent Usher


Term Ends: 06/2027

Council Meetings

The Council Business meeting is open to the congregation. It takes place on the third Tuesday of the month. Please refer to the UALC Calendar to confirm specific dates and locations.

Congregational Meetings Recap

April 2024  Congregational Meeting Recap:

At the April 28 Congregational Meeting, we voted and elected the new members of Church Council and Nominating Committee. We heard an update on the church budge projections and the Together campaign progress. View the Mid-Year Impact Report here for a snapshot of ministry happening this year. Meeting minutes will be available on myUALC.   

If you have questions regarding the meeting, email

January 2024  Congregational Meeting Recap:

At the January 28 Congregational Meeting, we voted and approved the Call Committee's recommendation for Aaron Thompson to serve as a UALC Pastor. We heard an update on the Together campaign progress and saw photos of the Lytham Road Campus construction. We also celebrated the ministry of Pastor Dave and Pam Mann for their 50 years of service to God at UALC. 

If you have questions regarding the meeting, email

August 2023  Congregational Meeting Recap:

At the  August 27 Congregational Meeting, the votes were approved for a Call Committee for Aaron Thompson (to call him as one of our pastors), the 2024 budget, and to allow a mortgage to support construction financing for the Together project. Reports were also made by Pastor Steve and members of Church Council. 

If you have questions regarding the meeting, email

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