Kim Starr

Nov 3, 20232 min

November 3 | Exodus 34:29-35



Is your face shining?

by Kim Starr

Moses has had another mountaintop encounter with God. Unbeknownst to him, his face is radiant and glowing because, as he was meeting with God, he absorbed God’s glory. When the Israelites see him, they are afraid, but Moses calls to them and he shares God’s message with them. After he finishes speaking to the people, he covers his face with a veil.

Moses’ radiant face affirms his authority as God’s representative. His appearance demonstrates the way of life within a covenant relationship with God. God’s glory is the manifestation of God’s character. Moses, by being in the presence of God, reflects God’s glory. We can also reflect God’s glory. When we are in the presence of God, when we commune with God, and when we live our lives in the light of his glory, we cannot help but reflect it! God’s glory is contagious and because of it, we, too, can shine.

Each of us reflects something at every moment of every day. We often reflect our own agendas and ambitions, but if we set these aside, we can reflect the glory of God. That reflection can be seen by those around us and if we bear witness to God, we give glory back to him. Our words and deeds can change people so that they then give glory back to God. It is a full circle: glory emanates from God Himself, is reflected in the lives of His people, changes and transforms those who see it and come to the Lord Jesus, and then returns to the Father as his people offer it back to him. We have been directed to let God’s light shine through our lives and actions so that we make God’s transforming presence known throughout the world. Let’s consciously do that each day and let God’s glory shine.


God, thank you for the privilege of reflecting your glory to others. Your glory is contagious and all who step into its light are changed. Help us to be stewards of your glory so that more and more people come to know you. Help us to walk with you and live our lives in such a way that we shine with the beautiful and life-changing light of your glory. Amen.
