Judy Webb

May 32 min

May 3 | Ecclesiastes 9:3-10



Vertical Living vs Horizontal

by Judy Webb

The theme of these verses is enjoyment. Enjoy the things of life, for they are God-given. We have unspeakable joy because of our salvation. This joy is found everywhere: mealtimes, family gatherings, our spouse and/or friends, and our work.

God intends for believers to enjoy life. How do you enjoy life? Solomon points out that we all have one thing in common, the certainty of our death. God has approved of a merry heart. This doesn’t mean every minute of every day will be filled with joy; no, that’s not reasonable. Every day will not be as we want it to be, but it is still okay to have joy. We don’t have to be miserable to be spiritual. “Anyone who is among the living has hope.” (Ecclesiastes 9:4a)

Have a blast while you last!

I think the verses for today speak of two ways of living. The first is living horizontally. To live horizontally we are in the world; we are living only for our pleasure, amassing wealth, and keeping it to ourselves. We keep our faith in ourselves (if we have any) and we scoff at others who need our help. We live for self, relying on our riches to provide happiness.

Horizontal living is defined by having a good time. Forgot about living righteously for we are all going to die eventually.

No regrets, you can’t know when, but you can be ready!

The second is living vertically. Be prepared – not with a bulging portfolio but with a love that’s obvious to all. There are three ways to live vertically:

1.    Enjoy life – have a happy heart, integrate personal life, family life, and faith life.

2.    Take Risks – share your faith with that neighbor who doesn’t know Jesus.

3.    Seek Wisdom – Pray to the Holy Spirit every day and ask for guidance and direction.

4.    Use your riches to glorify God. Share with others, care for neighbors who need some help.

Each day is a gift, make the most of it. We have unspeakable joy because of our salvation. Live vertically and share that joy!


Dear Jesus, teach us to live vertically, always focused you and sharing your glory with others who need to see You. Horizontal living is selfish and self-absorbed, but vertical living see You and wants to grab hold of that life. Amen.
