Katie Borden

Jun 52 min

June 5 | Jeremiah 31:12-14




Looking Forward

by Katie Borden

A couple of weeks ago, my family and I gathered on Long Island from all over the eastern half of the US for my cousin’s wedding. The whole affair was beautiful, from the lush greenery in the state park to the reconnections with family from all over the country. We gathered from far-off places to celebrate, eat, drink, sing, and dance together. Later, my cousin’s wife mentioned to me that the day was everything she had hoped it would be–mainly, that all of their people would enjoy each other and be filled with joy and love.

I think about that wedding celebration as I read today’s text. We, who were not even "in exile," rejoiced at the opportunity to gather and celebrate the growing love which was aptly reflected in the blooming coastal New York spring. How much more will we and our heavenly Father rejoice when we are gathered into paradise, into his very presence, from far-off places where we have been isolated and languishing!

This text in Jeremiah is such a beautiful vision that gives me great anticipation for the wedding feast of the Lamb. We who were once far-off will be gathered up by our loving God, given all that we need for life and flourishing in the presence of our good and loving God as his bride. All the sin and sorrow that we know will be redeemed, and our mourning will be turned into rejoicing. This is a far cry from what we see in this world, where sin and rot reign. When left to its own devices, our world devolves into decay and death. But our God brings good from bad; he brings healing from brokenness; he brings life even from death. 

This is such good news for us who are languishing and longing for relief. All who feel the weight of the sin in this world (both our own and that which affects us) say: Come soon, Lord Jesus! Gather us up that we may feast with you in all goodness and joy forever! Amen.


God, we thank you that you are even now beginning to make all things new. We look forward to the day when you gather us together as your bride for the glorious wedding feast that will never end. By your Holy Spirit, grant us the faith to look forward to that day, so that even on this day we might live in light of the hope that is to come. Amen.
